Minneapolis, MN Flat Fee MLS Listings

List “Minneapolis” Stearns “County”

Minneapolis, MN Discount Realtor FSBO MLS Listing!

County coverage includes: Benton, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Meeker, Pope & Stearns

A Minneapolis flat fee MLS listing is one that provides Minneapolis, Minnesota Homeowners with an alternative to paying 6 PERCENT in REAL ESTATE FEES. Those sellers who utilize this type of listing will benefit from 1) the savings component and 2) contractual flexibility. The use of an Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement is paramount with MINNEAPOLIS Flat Fee MLS. This type of Listing Agreement (the most commonly utilized with Limited Service MLS) allows the seller to sell “FSBO” whereby the seller retains the right to sell to a buyer not procured by a realtor/mls member. This MINNEAPOLIS Brokerless transaction means no real estate commission PAID at closing. This results in more MONEY in your pocket.